Online shop of Paronelli pipes

Paronelli Pipe is a company that has been online pipes shop in Gavirate for years. Our company was born in 1945, thanks to the passion of Jean Marie Alberto Paronelli, who designed and made pipes in Italian briar. This passion of him was then handed down from generation to generation, up to the present day, where the company carries on with passion and dedication the work started by the progenitor.


In our vast catalog dedicated of online pipes shop in Gavirate it is possible to find pipes of all kinds, suitable for every style and personality. The pipes for sale on our online shop are handmade, made by the expert and skilled hands of Ariberto Paronelli, who designs, designs and produces classic models revisited in a modern key. For the Paronelli family, the pipe is a matter of the heart, and he employs all their commitment and all his passion for the creation of these particular items.


Thanks to our online pipes shop in Gavirate, you will be able to find the pipe of the model and style that best suits you and your personality, and you can receive them at your home in maximum comfort. Packages are generally shipped within 1 business day of receiving the order, and are shipped via specialized couriers. Each type of shipment will have a tracking code, in order to follow the path of your package and identify the delivery date.


If your passion is the pipe and you are looking for a shop specialized in the sale of online pipes in Gavirate, Paronelli Pipe is the right choice for you! Visit our website now and browse our online catalog!




Online shop of artisan Paronelli pipes

Paronelli Pipe is a company specialized in the sale of handcrafted pipes in Gavirate. For over 75 years, our company has been involved in the production of pipes, and it is a tradition that the Paronelli family has been carrying on with passion and dedication since 1945, when the founder Jean Marie Alberto Paronelli founded the company.


Paronelli Pipe, a company specializing in the sale of handcrafted pipes in Gavirate, designs and produces pipes in Italian briar, and places particular importance on the quality of this material since its preparation. The briar used for our articles, in fact, is grown in the best geographical areas of Italy, under the direct supervision of Ariberto, the current owner. This root is taken out of the ground when the plant is at rest, and therefore without sap. After being harvested, the briar is boiled, a process necessary to stabilize and purify the plaque, and then it is left to dry and mature for a time ranging from 2 to 5 years. Thanks to this long process, our company is able to obtain good pipes right from the first smoke.


Paronelli Pipe offers a vast catalog dedicated to the sale of handcrafted pipes in Gavirate, of different styles and different models, and which are perfectly suited to the personality and character of the smoker. Come and visit us in our showroom or browse our online catalog to discover all our handmade pipes!